
Saturday, November 11, 2006

How can we live with so much turmoil?

I had a minute to think at work today...I cannot believe that some people just don't get life. What is so hard about living and keeping your nose out of other people's business...Someone had something to say to me about Utah Mormons and I thought I would unload...they are people. What the hell are people stupid? Yesterday, all of my older clietele wanted to talk about their plans on dying and I really didn't want to hear that and then today I deal with IDOITS...i don't think that I use the correct spelling. Then I have a realy problem that my step daughter thinks we are FIRST NATIONAL...she needs to be put away somewhereso that she really understands what life is all about. Thank God, Danny finally said something but of course we are probably being punished because we will not be allowed to see Aleesha.
I wish that people just would leave well enough alone and understand that life is tooooooo short..........
I need to stay within my own world...people don't really exsist unless they are kind.


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