
Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I don't even know where to begin but I should have been writing on this a week ago. Everything around me has something wrong and that should be an indication to me to change something in my own life. I guess I have to look a little deep because I think that I give unselfishly and I don't know why others are so STUCK-ON-THEMSELVES. I know what you are thinking, yes it has to do with LIARS, ENABLERS and KNOW-IT-ALLS...where do I begin? Yes, I see myself in all of these categories so that is why I can talk about it because I amnot pointing the finger to one specific person. First off last week I run into someone who thinks he knows it all and can't seem to let go of it by the weekend. Those type of people never give back anything to me they are leeches. Always having a solution but not doing anything with their ideas....dead beat/loser!
Liars, Iwould have to tell you to go read my last spell on that because it pretty much hit everything possible. The web to deceit people don't realize how big it is...and it just keep growing. I know that people are always trying to help but I don't know what they are accomplishing by just doing things for people instead of making them do for themselves.


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